Tina Rados, Assessor
contact: 585-356-2150
As a result of Bob Capurso's speech to the Town of Castile Board, Tina attended the May meeting to explain the assessment process and offer guidance to our members. Highlilghts:
- Reassessments are done every 3 years - next one will be 2025.
- Homeowners can contest their assessments any time/any year not just when reassessments are done.
- Go to Wyomingco.net Real Property Page for sales data and assessment information. Real Property Tax Services | Wyoming County, NY
- Grievance day for 2023 is June 1.
- Assessments are done to "restore equity".
- IMPORTANT NOTE: When the tax base increases the tax rate drops. Therefore, just because your assessment goes up, doesn't mean that your taxes will go up. For 2023, the taxes went up because of increased costs of the hospital and fire departments, therefore, the town went above the 2% tax cap and taxes increased. Note: The Castile Town tax went up 4% and the Wyoming County tax went up 6% for a total increase of 10%
- Any homeowner concerned about town spending, should attend town budget meetings.
- Tina will be working more closely with the SLA to improve communications and get information to our members in a timelier manner. The notices for the 2022 assessments were delayed due to several factors and that will be corrected in the future.
SLA appreciates Tina taking the time to come and explain the process to us and the improvements that are being made.